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Tuesday 24 November ON LINE

9am to 5.30pm
We seem to be spending a lot of time waiting these days - for lockdown to be over, for an effective vaccine, to see what we might be able to do for Christmas, to see family, to visit friends, for life to ‘get back to normal’, whatever that is!

During this retreat, we will think about what waiting means to us, and explore what waiting was like for some of the names characters in the Gospels who had to ‘wait’: How did they wait, what happened to them and to others, can we learn from them?

There will be short talks, group discussions, time for private prayer and plenary discussions.

Led by Lyn and John Grove.

There is no charge for the event - donations welcome.

Registration is essential - please email to receive the Zoom link and instructions.

November 2

Iconography Retreat

December 4

Special Offer Weekends