Arrive - 9.45am
Depart - 4pm
We all face times of loss and change in our lives. We can struggle to find God in such times whether in the past or present.
‘Goodbyes will always be with us. So will hellos. Praying a goodbye can lead us to the doorway of new beginnings. The seed of resurrection in our souls will grow again.’ Praying our Goodbyes: Joyce Rupp
The day will contain some input, some time for personal reflection and the opportunity to share with others if wished.
NB: It may not be the right time for a day such as this if you have recently been bereaved of someone close to you. If you are unsure about this please contact us for further information about the day.
Susan Collier is an Anglican priest whose time is mainly spent in spiritual accompaniment and spirituality. Previously she worked as a hospice doctor.
Led by: Rev Dr Susan Collier
Cost: £25 to include lunch and all refreshments